Terms & Conditions

Hi and welcome to Katla Fish!

Katlafish.com is the website explained in these terms and conditions.

If you use this website, we’ll presume you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with all of the regulations on this page, you should stop using Katla Fish right now.

The terms “client,” “you,” and “your” refer to the person who logs on to this website and agrees to the company’s terms and conditions. Such terms also apply to the privacy statement, the Disclaimer Notice, and all agreements. We refer to our business as “The Company,” “Ourselves,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us.” When you hear “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us,” it means both the client and us. All terms include the offer, acceptance, and payment that are needed to help the client in the best way possible so that the company can meet their needs for the services they have listed, as long as they follow the laws of the Netherlands. All terms, including the use of single, plural, capital letters, he/she, or they, are understood to have the same meaning.


Cookies are something we use. You agreed to use cookies in line with Katla Fish’s privacy policy when you visited the site.

Cookies are used by most websites that allow you to connect with them to remember information about each visitor. Cookies are required for some aspects of our website to function. This simplifies things for visitors to our website. Cookies may also be used by some of our advertisements and associated partners.


Katla Fish and/or its partners own every piece of content on Katla Fish, unless stated otherwise. There are no claims to any intellectual property rights. This is available from Katla Fish for your own personal use, but only as long as you follow the rules in these terms and conditions.

You must not:

  • Use content from Katla Fish in other works.
  • You can’t sell, rent, or give away Katla Fish content.
  • Reproduce, copy, or make copies of Katla Fish content.
  • Share Katla Fish information with other people.
  • The date of this agreement is when it starts.

Users can post opinions and information on this website and share them with other users in some places. Katla Fish does not screen, edit, post, or look over comments before they show up on the website. The comments don’t show what Katla Fish, its employees, or its partners think or feel. The views and ideas in comments are those of the person who posts them. As long as the law allows it, Katla Fish is not responsible for the comments or any harm, loss, or cost that may come from using, sharing, or seeing the comments on this website.

You can be sure that Katla Fish will read all of your comments and will remove any that are inappropriate, insulting, or break these Terms and Conditions.

You warrant and represent that:

  • You are allowed to make comments on our website and have all the permissions and licenses you need to do so.
  • Any intellectual property rights, such as copyright, patent, or brand of a third party, are not violated by the comments.
  • There is nothing false, rude, sexual, obscene, or otherwise illegal in the comments that would violate someone’s privacy.
  • The comments will not be used to ask for or support business or custom or to show illegal or commercial activities.

You agree that Katla Fish can use, copy, and change your comments in any way they want. This includes letting other people use, copy, and change your comments too.

Hyperlinking to our Content

The following groups can link to our website without getting our writing permission first:

  • Public sector bodies;
  • Google and Bing
  • News outlets;
  • Online directories can link to our website in the same way they link to the websites of other businesses that are mentioned, and
  • The system approves many businesses, but it does not allow charities, shopping shops for good causes, and groups that raise money for good causes to link to our site.

These organizations may link to our home page, publications, or other information on our website as long as the link: (a) is truthful; (b) does not give the false impression that we support, endorse, or approve of the linking party and its products and/or services; and (c) is consistent with the linking party’s website theme.

We may look at and agree to other link requests from the following types of groups:

Some well-known sources of information for consumers and businesses include:

  • Community places on dot.com;
  • Nonprofit organizations, such as associations or other groups, that work towards a common goal;
  • Distributors of online directories;
  • internet sites;
  • Companies that provide accounting, law, and consulting services;
  • Trade groups and training institutions.

We may consider linking to organizations if the link meets the following criteria: (a) it does not reflect negatively on us or our affiliated businesses; (b) the organization has no negative history with us; (c) the link’s visibility compensates for the absence of Katla Fish; and (d) the link provides general resource information.

These organizations are permitted to link to our home page as long as the link: (a) is truthful; (b) does not give the false impression that we support, endorse, or approve of the linking party and its goods or services; and (c) is consistent with the theme of the linking party’s site.

If you work for one of the groups in line 2 above and would like to link to our website, please let us know by emailing Katla Fish. Please include your name, the name of your company, how to reach you, the URL of your site, a list of any URLs that you want to link to ours, and a list of the URLs on our site that you want to link to. Give them two to three weeks to answer.

Our website allows the following groups to link:

  • Through the use of our company name; or
  • Through the use of the UNICODE being linked to; or
  • You can use any other description of our website that makes sense with the content and layout of the site that is linking to us.

If you want to link to Katla Fish, you can’t use her logo or any other artwork without a trademark license deal.

Using iFrames

Putting frames around our webpages that change the way they look or are presented without obtaining writing permission first is against the rules.

Liability for Content

You are solely responsible for the information on your website. You agree to indemnify us for any claims made on your website. There should be no links on any website that could be construed as defamatory, offensive, or illegal, or that otherwise violate or encourage the violation of third-party rights.

Your Privacy

Kindly read the privacy policy.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to ask you to take down any or all of the links that lead to our website. You agree to take down all links to our website right away if we ask you to. We can change these terms and conditions and the rules for linking to them at any time. You agree to be bound by and follow the terms and conditions linked on this page.

Removal of links from our website

You can get in touch with us at any time if you find a link on our website that is insulting in any way. We will think about requests to take down links, but we are not required to or required to answer you directly.

We do not guarantee that the information on this website is true or complete, and we do not promise that the website will always be available or that the information on it will always be up-to-date.


We throw out all warranties, statements, and conditions about our website and the use of this website to the fullest extent allowed by law. Nothing in this statement will be excluded.

Minimize or eliminate our or your liability for harm or death;

limit or get rid of our or your responsibility for scams or false representations;

Do not engage in any activities that would reduce our or your responsibilities in a manner that violates the law; or

Omit any liabilities that cannot be excluded by law.

If you violate this disclaimer, you bear sole responsibility for the statements made in this section and elsewhere. These rules apply to all responsibilities that come up because of this disclaimer, whether they are in contract, tort, or for breach of statutory duty.

 If the website, its content, and its services are provided free of charge, we will not assume responsibility for any damage or loss. 

Email us at dipakjaiswal4u@gmail.com if you want to get in touch. We also have a form you can use to get in touch with us. Click on Katla Fish on the home page. “Thanks for visiting our Terms & Conditions Page.”